Wednesday Evening Runs

Wednesday Meet-Up Locations:

The current run location and time for Wednesdays is now the Reformed Church of Highland Park at 6:30 PM. We will be at this location through late May 2025. 

From September to May we meet at the Reformed Church of Highland Park - click the image below to find us.

During late May, June, July and August we meet in Grove 5 in Johnson Park - visit the Saturday run page to find us.

Click for Wednesday night run variations from the church:

Default 7.5 Mile Option

5.5 Mile Option

5 Mile Option

4 Mile Option

3.5 Mile Option

Full Transition Run

For runs from Johnson Park, see the information from the Saturday runs page

Our current Wednesday meeting location is the Reformed Church of Highland Park at 6:30 PM

The Wednesday Night Run is our central club event.  Raritan Valley Road Runner members have run weekly since 1983 for an unbroken streak of consecutive Wednesday night runs! Come join us at 6:30 PM in one of two locations depending on the time of year (listed below).

From September to May, the Wednesday Night Club Run Meets at The Reformed Church of Highland Park at 19 South 2nd Avenue in Highland Park. We begin running promptly at 6:30pm. Arrive before 6:30. Here is a map of the Church and the parking lot. You can park free on South 2nd Avenue, or enter the parking lot from Magnolia Street (between 2nd and 3rd Ave) and enter the building from there. There are bathrooms for changing and water fountains.

Please make it a point to be especially flexible and courteous to all users of the building. There are many meetings and classes taking place there: it’s a busy community center. 

From the church, we usually run the course mapped to the left. The 7.5 mile option is displayed at left, but there are many club members who run more or less (the 5 mile route is also quite popular). During May and September we often run an out and back course through Johnson Park (called the Transition Course), or do other fun events such as a Guess Your Time run, run our course backwards, or have a scavenger run.

In late May, June, July, and August, we meet at Grove 5 in Johnson Park, departing promptly at 6:30pm to run along the towpath or on the Busch campus, as we do on Saturday mornings. For more information about the route options on Wednesday nights during the summer, see our Saturday morning page.

If you can’t join us for the run, join us to eat (and have a drink) after the run! The location varies check our Facebook page, or this Google Calendar for details. Once you join the club, you will receive a weekly e-blast with information about upcoming events and dinner locations.